Friday, January 17


The mission of the Chinese Language Teacher Association of North Carolina is to provide professional development and serve as a network resource for Chinese language teachers at all educational levels across North Carolina. Our goal is to promote collaboration and an exchange of professional experiences and views. We are the regional association that is officially affiliated with the Chinese Language Teachers Association of America (

There will be teacher professional development opportunities and language contests hosted by CLTA-NC throughout the year. If you are interested in more information, please contact: (President) or (Vice President).

Follow us on Facebook: CLTA-NC 北卡中文教师学会

Call for Student Video Submissions: Chinese Learning Experience Sharing

The North Carolina Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-NC) cordially invites you to recommend students for our Chinese Language Learning Experience Sharing Session. Participants (including students from grades 6-12 and college students) should submit a 2-3 minute video sharing their unique Chinese learning methods and experiences. Selected students and their supervising teachers will receive certificates of recognition at our Spring Symposium on March 23, 2025. To register, please scan the QR code on the poster. The deadline is February 28, 2025. [Special Note: This event is open to CLTA-NC member teachers. Non-member teachers are also welcome to join the association to participate.]

CLTA-NC Celebrates Successful 2024 Annual Conference

2024年8月17日,北卡中文教师学会年会在热烈的氛围中圆满落幕!本次会议的成功举办首先要感谢理事会成员们的辛勤付出和精心组织,还要特别感谢Greensboro Day School的领导、教职员工以及学生志愿者们对会议的大力支持,赞助商及合作伙伴的慷慨相助!此外,还要衷心感谢两位特邀嘉宾分享他们宝贵的一手经验和策略,并提出了许多富于启发、值得深思的议题,各位报告老师也为我们带来了精彩见解和分享!最后,感恩从北卡各地远道而来的每一位与会老师,正是您们的热忱支持着我们团结共迎AI时代的挑战与机遇!本次年会不仅是一次知识的盛宴,更是一次教育工作者们相互交流、共同进步的宝贵机会。让我们共同期待下一次相聚。后会有期!

On August 17, 2024, the North Carolina Chinese Language Teachers Association Annual Conference concluded successfully in a vibrant atmosphere! The success of this conference is primarily attributed to the tireless efforts and meticulous organization of the board members. We also extend special thanks to the leadership, faculty, staff, and student volunteers of Greensboro Day School for their strong support of the conference, as well as to our sponsors and partners for their generous assistance! Furthermore, we sincerely thank our two invited speakers for sharing their valuable firsthand experiences and strategies and for raising many inspiring and thought-provoking topics. We’re also grateful to all the presenting teachers for their insightful contributions and engaging presentations! Lastly, we express our heartfelt gratitude to every participating teacher who traveled from across North Carolina. It is your enthusiasm and support that unite us to face the challenges and opportunities of the AI era together! This annual conference was not only a feast of knowledge but also a valuable opportunity for educators to exchange ideas and grow together. Let’s look forward to our next gathering. Until we meet again!

CLTA-NC 2024 Call for Proposals

2024 CLTA-NC的年会将于8月17日(星期六)美东时间上午10:00至下午5:30在美丽的北卡Greensboro Day School举行!本次大会的主题为“推广与革新——共迎AI时代中文教学的机遇与挑战”。我们有幸邀请到了两位近年来在推广与革新北美中文教学方面贡献卓著的重磅嘉宾关春梅老师和高正远老师为我们带来主旨演讲和闭幕演讲!在此,我们诚邀北卡州内外活跃在各类型中文项目教学一线的中文老师及相关行政人员针对我们的大会主题踊跃投稿!投稿链接或扫海报内二维码。投稿截止时间为2024年7月15日美东时间晚上11点59分。垂询请电邮北卡中文教师学会会长蔡罗一 (

The 2024 CLTA-NC (Chinese Language Teachers Association of North Carolina) Annual Conference will be held in person at Greensboro Day School from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm EST on Saturday, August 17, 2024! This year’s conference theme is Promotion and Innovation: Embracing Opportunities and Challenges in Chinese Language Teaching in the AI Era. We are honored to have two distinguished guests, Chunmei Guan and Matt Coss, who have significantly contributed to the promotion and innovation of Chinese language teaching in North America in recent years to deliver the keynote and closing speeches! We cordially invite you to submit proposals to present at the conference! Proposal submissions are due by 11:59 pm EST on July 15, 2024. Contact the CLTA-NC president, Luoyi Cai ( should you have any questions.

April CLTA-NC Member Exclusive Event

This Saturday (April 27), from 1:00-2:30 pm Eastern Time, CLTA-NC will join forces with the Carolina Asia Center’s CAC-STARTALK teacher training program to present a sharing session on the achievements of the STARTALK program. During this event, teachers and students from CAC-STARTALK will share what they have learned and gained during the intensive training period in the summer of 2023. They will discuss specific examples of team teaching design and subsequent classroom practices, exploring how to utilize community resources to establish connections between Chinese classrooms and the community, enrich teaching themes and activity forms, stimulate students’ enthusiasm, apply what they have learned, and make learning enjoyable! This sharing event is exclusively for members of the North Carolina Chinese Teachers Association, and participants will receive CEU Credits. Member teachers are cordially invited to actively participate and learn together💪ZOOM Link: [Or scan the QR code on the poster].

周六4月27日美东时间1:00-2:30 pm,CLTA-NC将联手北卡亚洲中心星谈教师培训项目(CAC-STARTALK)为大家带来星谈项目成果分享会。届时CAC-STARTALK的学员老师将与大家分享2023年暑期密集培训期间的所学所得,通过团队教学设计后续课堂实践的具体案例与大家探讨如何充分利用社区资源建立中文课堂与真实社区的联结,丰富教学主题与活动形式,调动学生的积极性学以致用,寓教于乐!本次分享活动仅面向北卡中文教师学会会员,参与者可获得CEU Credits,诚邀会员老师们积极参与,共同学习💪ZOOM Link: (或扫描海报内二维码)

2024 CLTA-NC Spring Workshop Open for Registration!

The North Carolina Chinese Language Teachers Association Spring Workshop is here! We will be hosting an online session on excellent picture book lesson plans from 3:00-4:30 PM EST on March 24th. We invite first prize winner, Luling Yan, and second prize winner, Hanxuan Zhang , to share how they integrate picture books into Chinese teaching. This event is free and open to all members and non-members of CLTA-NC. However, CLTA-NC members will receive a special picture book lesson plan package (including materials from all first and second and third prize winners) after attending this workshop. Non-members are also welcome to register and become our members! For information on workshop registration and CLTA-NC membership details, please refer to the link:



Happy New Year of the Dragon! Rroooaaahhrr!! May the spirited energy of this legendary creature infuse your life with boundless strength, courage, and prosperity. Here’s to a year of auspicious beginnings, remarkable achievements, and unforgettable experiences. Cheers!


2023 CLTA-NC Annual Conference Open for Registration!

The 2023 CLTA-NC (Chinese Language Teachers Association of North Carolina) Annual Conference will be held in person at the FedEx Global Education Center at UNC-Chapel Hill from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm EST on Saturday, September 9th, 2023. The theme for this year’s conference is Join Hands to Create a Sustained Journey of Chinese Language Learning: Articulation and Cooperation of Multi-mode K-16 Chinese Language Programs in NC. This conference serves as a platform for establishing connections and promoting discussions and collaborations for our fellow Chinese teachers and administrators in NC and beyond in the post-pandemic era. Contact the CLTA-NC president, Luoyi Cai ( should you have any questions.

北卡中文教师学会2023年年会将于9月9日(星期六)美东时间上午10:00至下午5:30于北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校FedEx国际教育中心举行,本次年会将以全线下形式召开。本次大会的主题为”共筑汉语教学之路:北卡各阶段多模式中文项目的接力与合作”。会议旨在为北卡州内外的中文教师及行政人员提供一个在疫情后彼此联结、互相交流合作的平台。欢迎老师们积极报名参会。垂询请电邮北卡中文教师学会会长蔡罗一 (。

Click the picture above to visit our event page!

Click to access the teaching resources that CLTA-NC created for #stopaapihate.