We host an annual conference and professional development meetings. Below you’ll find the events hosted by us and related resources.
Our Past Conferences and Events
2023 CLTA-NC Annual Conference
On September 9, the 2023 CLTA-NC Annual Conference ended in a great success amidst a lively atmosphere! Sincere thanks to the hard work of the board members, the generous support from our sponsors, and the wonderful speeches and inspirations brought by the guest speakers and presenters! Our deepest gratitude goes to the dedication of every participant who came from near and far, in and outside of NC. It is your enthusiasm and support that drive us to create a splendid future for the Chinese Language Teaching Community in NC together! Happy Teacher’s Day, and we look forward to meeting again in the near future!

2022 CLTA-NC Annual Conference

The 6th Annual CLTA-NC (Chinese Language Teachers Association of North Carolina) Annual Conference took place both in-person and virtually from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, August 6th, 2022. The in-person meeting will be held at the FedEx Global Education Center at UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The theme for that year’s conference was Adapting to the New Normal and Charting New Paths to Develop Sustainable Chinese Programs. This conference served as a platform for our fellow Chinese teachers and administrators in the post-pandemic era.
北卡中文教师学会第五届年会于2022年8月6日星期六于线上和线下举行。线下的地点在北卡教堂山分校的FedEx Global Education Center。本次大会的主题是回归“新常态”,拓展“新领域”——推动中文项目可持续发展,并探究中文项目的未来和永续发展,大会主讲人是弗吉尼亚州大学的赵冉老师。本次会议作为中文教学老师和行政人员在后疫情时期的交流平台欢迎老师们积极报名、参会。

2021 CLTA-NC Annual Conference

2021 Annual Conference at a Glance 2021会议日程一览
Full Conference Schedule 完整年会议程
2021 CLTA-NC Spring Conference

CLTA-NC hosted a spring workshop on Performance Assessment and ACTFL’s 6 core practices on Saturday, Mar 13 at 1-4 pm (EDT). Our keynote speakers are Matt Coss (George Washington University) and Shin Chi Fame Kao (University of Utah).

2020 CLTA-NC Annual Conference
CLTA-NC hosted our 2020 annual conference virtually on Sep 5 from 10 am to 4 pm (EDT). The topic of our conference is “Recalibrate Chinese Programs in North Carolina: Opportunities and Challenges during online/hybrid teaching.” The six-hour conference includes many excellent presentations from professionals both within North Carolina and out of state. Click here for the agenda.