The 2020 CLTA-NC Annual Conference was successfully held on Zoom this past weekend. It is the FIRST regional full-day Chinese teachers virtual conference. Nearly 200 teachers and educators from across North America and in Asia (Shanghai, Singapore, Taiwan and Jakarta) became registered members by this weekend. Missed the live conference? Now and until 11/5, you can purchase the discounted membership and access 13 recorded presentations and selected handouts:
Registration Link:
Agenda (all in Eastern Time):
10:00-10:20 Introduction and Opening Remarks by CLTA-NC President Bonnie Wang
10:20-11:20 Keynote Speech The Most Effective Online Delivery Mode: What, Why, and How
by Dr. Miao-fen Tseng 曾妙芬 (University of Virginia)
Daniels Family NEH Distinguished Teaching Professor
Inaugural Director of the Institute of World Languages, University of Virginia
Author of Teach Chinese Online (forthcoming)
11:20-11:30 Keynote Q&A, Break
Session I 第一板块 Curriculum Design and Planning for Online/Hybrid Chinese Class 对网络教学或混合式教学的课程设计
11:30-12:00 Featured Presentation (live) 混合式中文课程设计的四项基本原则 by Yi-Wen Liu 劉羿彣 (Ravenscroft School) and Wenjing Liu 刘文菁 (Heritage High School)
12:00-12:30 On-demand Presentations (pre-recorded)
- 远程教学: 课程设计及教学方法 by Qiang (John) Chen 陈强 (Enloe Magnet High School)
- Digital Pedagogy in Online Classroom Management and Performance-based Assessment of Language Learning by Dr. Yiching Christine Liu 吕逸勤 (Dickinson College) and Dr. Wen Xiong 熊文 (Winston Salem State University)
- Curriculum Design and Innovative Technology Integration in Online Chinese Courses by Lini Ge Polin 葛黎妮 (UNC-Chapel Hill), Yi Zhou 周翊 (UNC-Chapel Hill) and Luoyi Cai 蔡罗一 (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Session II 第二板块 Teaching Literacy, Teaching Culture, and Language Across the Curriculum in Online/Hybrid Teaching 基础读写能力教学、文化教学及跨学科教学
12:30-1:00 Featured Presentation (live) Read-Along Videos: Scaffolded Reading, Asynchronously by Diane Neubauer 杜雁子 (University of Iowa)
1:00-1:30 On-demand Presentations (pre-recorded)
- 语言为本位的同步和非同步线上文化教学 Teaching Language-Oriented Culture Classes Online: Synchronous and Asynchronous Methods by Yuan Xu 徐远 (New Century International Elementary School) and Sue Chen 陈诗韵 (UNC-Greensboro)
- Translanguaging Pedagogy Used in Online Chinese-based Summer Camp by Mohan Shang 尚沫含 (Lakes International Language Academy), Dr. Kaishan Kong 孔凯珊 (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), and Hongjuan Zhou 周红娟 (Breck School)
Session III 第三板块 Community Building and Classroom Management in Online/Hybrid Chinese Class 网络教学或混合式教学中的团建和课堂管理
1:30-2:00 Featured Presentation (live) Develop Effective Curriculum to Promote Collaborative learning During Virtual Teaching by Siyi Gao 高偲译 (Defense Language Institute)
2:00-2:30 On-demand Presentations (pre-recorded)
- Strategies to Build an Inclusive Language Community in and beyond the Online Chinese Classroom by Dr. Lu Lu 陆璐 (Wake Forest University)
- Staying Connected through Community–Based Language Learning: A tutorial program for K-6 dual language education by Kun-Shan Carolyn Lee 李坤珊 (Duke University) and Yan Smith-Thomas 李艳 (Glenwood Elementary School)
Session IV 第四板块 Innovative Use of Technology or Activities for Online/Hybrid Class 科技工具及活动分享
2:30-3:00 Featured Presentation (live) Online Activities Designed in Chinese Language Class by Xiaoying Yu 于晓盈 (University of Michigan)
3:00-3:30 On-demand Presentations (pre-recorded)
- Ice-Breaking Activities for Chinese Novice and Intermediate Classes in the Online Mode of Teaching by Dr. Meiqing Sun 孙梅青 (UNC-Greensboro)
- Strategies for Effective Group Work in Online Classroom 浅谈网络教学中的小组活动设计策略 by Tianshu He 贺天舒 (Duke University)
- Tips and Tricks of Google Apps -interactive tools to promote classroom engagement either online or in class by Faye Valoris 费祺蕓 (Greensboro Day School)
3:30-4:00 CLTA-NC Board Members Introduction (new member, president transition, board general info), Raffle, Survey (CEU) Distribution, Closing by CLTA-NC Vice President Yi-Wen Liu
Speaker Bio
Link to the speakers’ biography.
Link to our generous sponsors.