Thursday, February 13


Any person who subscribes to the purposes of CLTA-NC and pays the appropriate dues may be admitted to membership. The Association shall have the following classes of Membership:

CLTA-NC Membership Policy

The membership fee is based on the fiscal year, which runs from September 1st to August 31 of next year. It is suggested to register in August (before the annual conference) as that will cover your membership for the year. If you join in January your membership is only good through July.

Membership Benefits:

  • Attendance at the in-person CLTA-NC Annual Conference held during the fiscal year. Members are welcome to apply to present at the Annual Conference. The presenter’s conference registration fee will be waived.
  • Members are eligible for “Service Awards”,  candidates will be awarded at the Annual Conference. These will be awarded based on involvement in programs such as Language Contest.
  • Attendance at other online or in-person teacher training and professional development events hosted by CLTA-NC.
  • Members will have access to the annual networking event hosted by CLTA-NC at the Annual Fall FLANC conference.  
  • Once a member for 1 year, teachers can then apply for leadership on the CLTA-NC Advisory Board.

Individual Members

Full Membership including the Annual Conference Registration fee: $40 per year

Partial Membership without attendance of the Annual Conference: $20 per year

Registration information

Please visit the payment webpage for the information and proceed from there. We accept Paypal, debit cards, or credit cards. After paying the registration fee, you will receive a confirmation email within a week.